Sunday, October 28, 2007

The London Renaissance Seminar

Performance: Early Modern/Postmodern
Organisers: Dr Lucy Munro, Professor Gordon McMullan
Saturday 3rd November, 2-5:30pm (tea/coffee available from 1.30pm)
Council Room, Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, WC1

This seminar aims to create a dialogue between scholars working on early modern performance and on the postmodern performance of early modern plays.

Pascale Aebischer, 'Filming "Jacobean" Drama: Mike Figgis' Hotel'
John Astington, 'Bright Swords and Rusty Swords'
Bridget Escolme, 'Coriolanus in Minneapolis: The Spatial Politics of Promenade Performance'
Edel Lamb, 'Staging Age in the Early Modern Theatre'

The London Renaissance Seminar meets regularly to discuss the literature, history and culture of the period 1500-1700. For further information about this event please contact or

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