Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Early Modern Female Miscellanies and Commonplace Books Symposium

University of Warwick, 22nd July 2011

Keynote speaker: Professor Margaret Ezell, Sara and John Lindsey Chair of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University
9.30-10am Registration

10-11am Keynote: Margaret Ezell (Texas A&M) ‘The Exemplary Wife: Secrets, Shorthand, and The Worst of Sinners, the book of Anna Cromwell Williams’

11 – 11.30am Coffee

11.30am – 12.30pm Elizabeth Scott Baumann (Oxford) ‘"Shifting dress": the commonplacing of Katherine Philips' poetry’

Helen Hackett (UCL) ‘Constance Aston Fowler's verse miscellany as evidence of Catholic cultural connections’

12.30-1.30pm Lunch

1.30-3pm Sarah Ross (Massey) ‘“Like Penelope, always employed”: Constructing the Self in Women’s Manuscript Miscellanies’

Sajed Chowdhury (Sussex) ‘Thair is mair constancie in o[u]r sex / Then euer ama[n]g men hes bein’: The Metaphysics of Authorship in the Maitland Quarto Manuscript (c. 1586)'

Jayne Archer (Aberystwyth) 'Solve et coagula: The Uses of Alchemy in Early Modern Women's Manuscript Miscellanies'

3-3.30pm Coffee

3.30-4.30pm Rebecca Bullard (Reading), 'Cambridge MS Add 8460: the commonplace book of Dorothy Browne and Elizabeth Lyttelton'

Gillian Wright (Birmingham) 'Reading for Entertainment? Octavia Walsh's Miscellany Poetry and Its Early Readers'.

4.30-5.30 pm Elizabeth Clarke (Warwick), 'What's in a Name? Lucy Hutchinson's religious and non-religious commonplace-books.'

Johanna Harris (Exeter), 'Brilliana Harley's Commonplace Book and Intellectual Community'

5.30-6.30pm Wine Reception


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