Monday, February 25, 2013

British Milton Seminar, 9 March 2013: Revised programme

Please see below for a slightly revised version of the BMS programme for 9 March 2013. Sara van den Berg (Saint Louis University), due to speak on ‘The Uses of Milton’s Arguments in 18th- and 19th-Century Divorce’, has unfortunately been forced to withdraw. Hugh Adlington will speak in her place.

BMS 47: revised programme

Saturday 9 March 2013

Venue: In the Birmingham and Midland Institute. There will be two sessions, from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm



Hugh Adlington (Birmingham), ‘“All that follows to p.50 very indifferent”: Richard Hurd reads Milton, 1751-1800’;

Edmund C. White (Oxford), ‘From “fides et mores” to “faith or ma[n]ners”: Areopagitica and the Counter-Reformation Hermeneutics of Christian Practice’.


Margaret Kean (Oxford), ‘Standing up for early Milton’;

Colin Lahive (University College Cork), ‘Romance in Paradise Lost’.


The Birmingham and Midland Institute (BMI) was founded by Act of Parliament in 1854, for ‘the Diffusion and Advancement of Science, Literature and Art amongst all Classes of Persons resident in Birmingham and the Midland Counties,’ and continues to pursue these aims.  The BMI is located in the heart of Birmingham’s city centre, just a few minutes’ walk from Birmingham New Street, Snow Hill and Moor Street railway stations:

Birmingham and Midland Institute
Margaret Street
Birmingham B3 3BS

Please follow this link for a map of the BMI’s location, and for further information about the BMI and its Library:

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Thomas N. Corns and Hugh Adlington (Co-convenors)


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