'Katherine Philips 350: Writing, Reputation, Legacy'
Registration has now opened for the conference 'Katherine Philips 350: Writing, Reputation, Legacy', which will be held in Marsh's Library, Dublin, between 26 and 28 June 2014. This conference marks the 350th anniversary of the publication of Katherine Philips's Poems (1664) and of her death the same year. It will include plenary lectures by Professor Elizabeth Hageman (co-editor of the forthcoming OUP edition of Philips's poems, plays and letters), Professor Sarah Prescott (Aberystwyth University), and Linzi Simpson (principal archaeologist at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin), as well as sessions on Philips's poems and translations, publishing history, archipelagic contexts, and the posthumous reception of her work. The programme also includes an optional visit to the site of Smock Alley Theatre, where Philips's play Pompey was staged in 1663.
Conference registration is available at http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/AddRegistration.asp?Conference=252. The conference is supported by the Society for Renaissance Studies, who have funded a small number of postgraduate bursaries (fee waivers). To express interest in applying for a bursary, please write to the co-organisers, Dr Marie-Louise Coolahan and Dr Gillian Wright, at katherinephilips350@gmail.com. Any other questions about the conference should also be directed to this address.
The closing date for registration is 1 May 2014. Places at the conference are limited, so early registration is strongly advised.
Programme 26-28 June, 2014
Philips and Print Publication: The Stationer’s Perspective
Editing Katherine Philips for Women Poets of the English Civil War
11.30-1.00. Panel 2: Literary Contexts
‘All oppositions are contiguous’: Hermetic Metaphysics in the Poetry of Katherine Philips
Katherine Philips’s ‘great affection and respect’ for French Heroic Romance
Epithalamic Poetics in Katherine Philips and John Milton

Can a woman deserve the name of enemy? Gender, War, and Law in Katherine Philips’s Corneille Translations
Katherine Philips’s Translation of ‘La Solitude de St Amant’: Between Mediation and Appropriation
Translatio imperii, Translatio studii: Conquest and Collaboration in Katherine Philips’s Dramatic Translations
From 19th-century Church to 17th-century Theatre: The Archaeological Discovery of Smock Alley
‘And why this Vault and Tomb?’ Memorial Culture and Friendship in Katherine Philips’s Poetry
Religion in Our Love: Aemilia Lanyer, Katherine Philips, and the Politics and Poetics of Devotional Eroticism
Religious Allusions and the Royal Image in Katherine Philips’s Poems

The Couplet versus the Poem: Late Seventeenth-Century Women Reading Katherine Philips
‘I long to know your Opinion of it’: The Serendipity of a Norton Inquiry and a Malfunctioning Timing Belt
KP in Connecticut: The Surprising Afterlife of Pompey’s Ghost
2.00-3.30. Panel 3: Ireland
Katherine Philips’s Dublin Admirers: ‘Philo-Philippa’ Unmasked
Making the Case for Artaban: Examining New Play Development in Ormond’s Court through the work of Robert Leigh
‘Behold this Creature’s form and State’: Katherine Philips and the Early Ascendancy
Spes Alunt Exsules: Clandestine Communications in the Verse Letters of Katherine Philips
Mary Beale (1633-1699), Katherine Philips, and the Art of Friendship

Conference registration is available at http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/AddRegistration.asp?Conference=252. The conference is supported by the Society for Renaissance Studies, who have funded a small number of postgraduate bursaries (fee waivers). To express interest in applying for a bursary, please write to the co-organisers, Dr Marie-Louise Coolahan and Dr Gillian Wright, at katherinephilips350@gmail.com. Any other questions about the conference should also be directed to this address.
The closing date for registration is 1 May 2014. Places at the conference are limited, so early registration is strongly advised.
Programme 26-28 June, 2014
Philips and Print Publication: The Stationer’s Perspective
Editing Katherine Philips for Women Poets of the English Civil War
11.30-1.00. Panel 2: Literary Contexts
‘All oppositions are contiguous’: Hermetic Metaphysics in the Poetry of Katherine Philips
Katherine Philips’s ‘great affection and respect’ for French Heroic Romance
Epithalamic Poetics in Katherine Philips and John Milton
Can a woman deserve the name of enemy? Gender, War, and Law in Katherine Philips’s Corneille Translations
Katherine Philips’s Translation of ‘La Solitude de St Amant’: Between Mediation and Appropriation
Translatio imperii, Translatio studii: Conquest and Collaboration in Katherine Philips’s Dramatic Translations
From 19th-century Church to 17th-century Theatre: The Archaeological Discovery of Smock Alley
‘And why this Vault and Tomb?’ Memorial Culture and Friendship in Katherine Philips’s Poetry
Religion in Our Love: Aemilia Lanyer, Katherine Philips, and the Politics and Poetics of Devotional Eroticism
Religious Allusions and the Royal Image in Katherine Philips’s Poems
The Couplet versus the Poem: Late Seventeenth-Century Women Reading Katherine Philips
‘I long to know your Opinion of it’: The Serendipity of a Norton Inquiry and a Malfunctioning Timing Belt
KP in Connecticut: The Surprising Afterlife of Pompey’s Ghost
2.00-3.30. Panel 3: Ireland
Katherine Philips’s Dublin Admirers: ‘Philo-Philippa’ Unmasked
Making the Case for Artaban: Examining New Play Development in Ormond’s Court through the work of Robert Leigh
‘Behold this Creature’s form and State’: Katherine Philips and the Early Ascendancy
Spes Alunt Exsules: Clandestine Communications in the Verse Letters of Katherine Philips
Mary Beale (1633-1699), Katherine Philips, and the Art of Friendship
Katherine Philips 350: Writing, Reputation, Legacy
Marsh’s Library, Dublin
Day 1: Thursday, 26 June
9.30-10. Registration and Welcome. 10-11. Panel 1: Publishing and Editing
Ben Crabstick, Independent Scholar
Sarah Ross, Victoria University of Wellington
11.00-11.30: coffee break
Sajed Chowdhury, King’s College London
Alice Eardley, University of Southampton
Paula Loscocco, Lehman College/CUNY
1.00-2.00 lunch
Day 1: Thursday, 26 June
9.30-10. Registration and Welcome. 10-11. Panel 1: Publishing and Editing
Ben Crabstick, Independent Scholar
Sarah Ross, Victoria University of Wellington
11.00-11.30: coffee break
Sajed Chowdhury, King’s College London
Alice Eardley, University of Southampton
Paula Loscocco, Lehman College/CUNY
1.00-2.00 lunch
2.00-3.30. Panel 3: Translation
Penelope Anderson, University of Indiana
Line Cottegnies, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Deborah Uman, St John Fisher College
3.30-4.00: coffee break 4.00-5.00. Plenary:
Linzi Simpson, Archaeological Director, Smock Alley Theatre excavations
6.00-7.00. Visit to Smock Alley Theatre (optional)
Day 2: Friday, 27 June
9.30-11.00. Panel 1: Religion and Memory
Katia Fowler, University of Chicago
Bronwyn Wallace, University of Pennsylvania
Hui-Chu Yu, National Pingtung University of Education
11.00-11.30: coffee break
Line Cottegnies, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Deborah Uman, St John Fisher College
3.30-4.00: coffee break 4.00-5.00. Plenary:
Linzi Simpson, Archaeological Director, Smock Alley Theatre excavations
6.00-7.00. Visit to Smock Alley Theatre (optional)
Day 2: Friday, 27 June
9.30-11.00. Panel 1: Religion and Memory
Katia Fowler, University of Chicago
Bronwyn Wallace, University of Pennsylvania
Hui-Chu Yu, National Pingtung University of Education
11.00-11.30: coffee break
11.30-1.00. Panel 2: Afterlives
Victoria Burke, University of Ottawa
Andrea Sununu, DePauw University
Nathan Tinker, Independent Scholar
1.00-2.00: lunch
Andrew Carpenter, University College Dublin
Patrick Tuite, Catholic University of America
Lee Morrissey, Clemson University
4.00-5.00. Plenary:
Professor Sarah Prescott, Aberystwyth University Katherine Philips and Wales
Conference Dinner (optional)
Day 3: Saturday, 28 June
9.30-11.00. Panel 1: Friendship
Sonya Cronin, Trinity College Dublin
Helen Draper, Courtauld Institute
Andrea Sununu, DePauw University
Nathan Tinker, Independent Scholar
1.00-2.00: lunch
Andrew Carpenter, University College Dublin
Patrick Tuite, Catholic University of America
Lee Morrissey, Clemson University
4.00-5.00. Plenary:
Professor Sarah Prescott, Aberystwyth University Katherine Philips and Wales
Conference Dinner (optional)
Day 3: Saturday, 28 June
9.30-11.00. Panel 1: Friendship
Sonya Cronin, Trinity College Dublin
Helen Draper, Courtauld Institute
Scott Howard, University of Denver
‘That Noble Flame’: Literary History and Regenerative Time in Katherine Philips’s
Elegies and Society of Friendship
11.00-11.30: coffee break 11.30-1.00. Plenary:
Professor Elizabeth H. Hageman, University of New Hampshire ‘Katherine Philips, Her Bookes: 1664-2014’
1.00. End of conference
11.00-11.30: coffee break 11.30-1.00. Plenary:
Professor Elizabeth H. Hageman, University of New Hampshire ‘Katherine Philips, Her Bookes: 1664-2014’
1.00. End of conference
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