Monday, January 29, 2007

Call for paper proposals ...

English Renaissance Literature, an affiliate session at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
October 4-6, 2007
Calgary, Alberta Canada

Papers on any aspect of early modern British literature or culture are welcome. You do not have to be a member of RMMLA to propose a paper, but you must become a member by April 1, 2006 to be included in the program. Send one-page proposals by March 1, 2007 either by Word attachment with RMMLA in subject line or by mail to:

McKenna Rose
Department of English
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, Nevada 89557

Shakespeare and Political Thought

London Shakespeare Seminar, Wednesday 31 January, 17.30-19.30
++ please note one-off change of day to Wednesday++

Quentin Skinner (Cambridge):  Julius Caesar and the justifying of tyrannicide
Susan James (Birkbeck): Superstition and Politics in Shakespeare
chair: Julie Sanders (Nottingham)

All welcome!

NG14 (North Block)
Institute of English Studies
Senate House
Russell Square

Wine will be served after the seminar.

Renaissance Drama

CFP: Renaissance Drama (Shakespeare on the World Stage), to be held at the South Central MLA, Memphis, Tennessee, November 1-3, 2007.

This session will examine the ways Shakespeare offers insight into cultural diversity. We invite proposals that explore any aspect of Shakespeare on the world stage, including television and film.

Please submit abstracts or completed papers by March 14, 2007 to:

Dr. James M. Palmer
Dept. of Languages and Communication
P.O. Box 519; MS 2220
Prairie View, TX 77446

Friday, January 26, 2007


Seminars run on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in 754 Schmerhorn Extension (IRWaG seminar room), Columbia University, New York. All welcome.

Spring 2007 Schedule
Jan 30 ACHSAH GUIBBORY (Barnard), "England's 'Biblical' prophets during the English Revolution"

Feb 20 JOHN KERRIGAN (Cambridge), "Archipelagic Macbeth"

Mar 6 PAMELA BROWN (Connecticut), "Things to Do with Dwarfs"

Apr 3 JOHN STAINES (CUNY-John Jay), "Radical Pity and Tragic Violence in King Lear"

ANY ENQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT: Prof. Molly Murray ( or Prof. Alan Stewart (

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Censorship, Persecution and Resistance in Marian England

[this from the London Renaissance Seminar ...]

Newnham College, 12-14 April 2007 Sponsored by: The Bibliographical Society, and The Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield (The British Academy John Foxe Project)

Registation forms are now available for this conference. Cost: £99 (non-residential). For further details, registration forms and student bursary application forms, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Evenden on Programme listed below.

Deadline for registration: 17 March 2007 (late fee incurred after this date). Deadline for student bursary applications: 17 February 2007.

Set in the beautiful surroundings of Newnham College, Cambridge, this conference will examine political and religious authority under Mary Tudor and resistance to it. The conference will also examine the role of the printed word in promoting both Catholic and Protestant opinion during this period, and assess the legacy of Mary's reign as depicted in both images and printed texts from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.

Provisional Programme Day 1, Thursday 12 April 2007 1:00-2.00pm:
Registration Plenary session 1: 2.00pm-3.30pm Welcome by Dr. Liz Evenden
(University of Cambridge) Dr. Alec Ryrie (University of Durham):
Persecution or Liberation? How Mary's Reign Changed English Protestantism
Chair and comment: Dr Natalie Mears (University of Durham)

3.30pm-4.00pm: coffee/tea

Panel 1: Writing Marian Reputations: heroes and villains? 4.00pm-5.15pm Dr
Alexander Samson (University College London): Philip and Mary: The
Formation of a Reputation Eric Bramhall (Indpendent student): John
Bradford: Edwardian Preacher Not Silenced Edward Wilson (University of
Cambridge): 'The Pastime of Pleasure': Returning to Romance in Marian
England Chair: Prof. David Loades (Honorary Research Professor, University
of Sheffield)

Roundtable 1: 5.30pm-7.00pm The Marian Book Trade: personnel, propaganda
and control Participants: Dr. Cathy Shrank (University of Sheffield), Dr.
Peter Blayney (Independent Scholar), Dr.Ian Gadd (Bath Spa University),
Prof. Eamon Duffy (University of Cambridge, tbc) Chair: Dr. Liz Evenden
(University of Cambridge)

7pm: Finger buffet and drinks reception, accompanied by a choir singing
Tudor music. This reception is sponsored by The British Academy John Foxe
Project (Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield)

Day 2, Friday 13 April, 2007 Plenary Forum: Word and picture: memorialising
Catholic and Protestant martyrs 9.00am-10.30am Dr Anne Dillon (University
of Cambridge): The Images of the Martyrdom of the Carthusian Fathers Prof.
Megan Hickerson (University of Arkansas): The Creation of a Villain: John
Foxe, Bishop Bonner, and the Marian Examinations Commentator: Dr. Tom
Freeman (University of Sheffield)

10.30-11.00am: coffee/tea

Panel 2: Marian Protestants: at home and abroad 11.00am-12.00pm Charlotte
Panofré (University of Cambridge): Radical Geneva? A Study of the Genevan
Exiles' Propaganda Output Rev. Dr. Ashley Null (Visiting Guggenheim Fellow
at University of Cambridge and Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin): 'A
Confutation of Unwritten Verities': Using Cranmer's legacy to resist both
the actions of the Marian regime and the aspirations of the Geneva Exiles.
Chair: Dr. Alec Ryrie (University of Durham)

12.00pm-1.00pm: sandwich buffet

Plenary session 2: 1.00pm-2.30pm Dr. Peter Blayney (Independent Scholar):
The Stationers under Threat: How Pirates Endangered the Company's Existence
in 1558 Chair and comment: Dr. Giles Mandelbrote (British Library)

2.30pm-3.00pm: coffee/tea

Panel 4: Allegiance and opposition in the Marian kingdoms 3.00pm- 4.00pm
Dr. Alan Bryson (University of Sheffield): John Bale's 'Vocacyon' (1553/4):
reformation and counter-reformation in Marian Ireland Dr. Rory Rapple
(University College Dublin): Mid Tudor martial men, loyalty and the
Elizabethan future Chair: Prof. Mark Greengrass (University of Sheffield)

Panel 4: The Marian Persecution: causes and effects 4.15pm-5.30pm Lucy
Bates (University of Cambridge): Intellectual origins of the Marian
Persecution Emma Watson (University of York): A truly Catholic county?
Yorkshire resistance to the Marian restoration of Catholicism Sarah Brooks
(University of Cambridge): Becoming a female martyr in Marian England: case
studies Chair: Amy Blakeway (University of Cambridge)

Plenary Session 3:
Prof. Eamon Duffy: Title to be confirmed
Chair and comment:: Prof. Patrick Collinson
followed directly by: 7.30pm Conference Dinner

Day 3, Saturday 14 April 2007 Plenary Session 4: 9.00am-10.30am Prof. Tom
Mayer (Augustana College): Not just the hierarchy fought: the Marian
cathedral chapters, seminaries of recusancy Chair and comment: Prof. Eamon
Duffy (University of Cambridge)

10.30am-11.00am: coffee/tea

Roundtable 2: 11.00am-1.00pm Picturing the past: images of Marian
censorship, persecution and resistance after the death of Mary
Participants: Dr. Margaret Aston (Independent Scholar), Prof. Brian
Cummings (University of Sussex), Dr. Tom Freeman (University of Sheffield),
Dr. Sue Doran (Christ Church College, Oxford), Dr. Tom Betteridge (Oxford
Brookes University), Prof. Megan Hickerson (University of Arkansas) Chair:
Dr. Natalie Mears (University of Durham)

1.00pm-2.00pm: lunch

Plenary Session 5: 2.00pm-3.30pm
Dr. Tom Freeman (University of Sheffield): Worse than a Crime? The Marian
Prosecution of Heresy
Chair and comment: Dr. Margaret Aston (Independent Scholar)

3.30pm-4.00pm Conference comment: Prof. Eamon Duffy (University of
Cambridge), tbc 4.00pm: conference ends

Spanish Golden Age, at UCL

[this from the London Renaissance Seminar ...]

Saturday 17th February in the Cruciform Building (opposite the main Gower Street entrance to UCL) Seminar Room 2 from 2-5 pm:

Historiography in Golden Age Spain.
Dr Harald Braun (University of Liverpool), Historia Magistra Iuris? History, Law and Prudence in Juan de Mariana (1535-1624).
Professor Jeremy Robbins (Edinburgh), Arts of Perception: The Epistemological Mentality of the Spanish Baroque, 1580-1720.
Dr Alexander Samson (UCL), Writing Early Modern Spain: Historiography and Rhetoric in the works of Florián de Ocampo.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

NYU events

1 February, 7:00 p.m. Maison FranÁaise, 16 Washington Mews
Sarah Kay (Department of French, Princeton University), "Allegory and melancholy in Julia Kristeva and Christine de Pizan"
This event is organized in collaboration with La Maison FranÁaise, NYU.

8 March, 6:00 p.m. 19 University Place, Room 222
Leslie Peirce (Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, NYU), "Much ado about matrimony: women's desires, family controls, and state scrutiny in the early modern Ottoman empire"

March 30, 4-48 p.m. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue
March 31, 9.30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Juan Carlos Center, NYU
Spring conference, Worlds Apart? Early Modern Europe and the Ottoman Empire
The conference is organized in collaboration with CUNY Graduate Center and the Ottoman Studies Program, NYU. It will feature contributions from the following speakers:

Nancy Bisaha (History Department, Vassar College)
Richmond Barbour (Department of English, Oregon State University)
Jonathan Burton (Department of English, West Virginia University)
Eric Dursteler (Department of History, Brigham Young University)
Molly Greene (History Department, Princeton University)
Natalie Rothman (Department of History University of Toronto)
Baki Tezcan (Department of History, University of California, Davis)
Daniel Vitkus (English Department, Florida State University).

The keynote addresses will be given by Deborah Howard (Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge) and Robert Irwin, author of "Dangerous Knowledge: Orientalism and its Discontents" (2006).
A full program for the conference will be available in late January.

All MARC events are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact:

The Medieval and Renaissance Center
(212) 998-8698

Monday, January 22, 2007

Romantic Shakespeare

In conjunction with the theme of a future issue of the Shakespeare Yearbook, "Romantic Shakespeare" the journal seeks abstracts for a proposed Special Session at the 2007 Annual meeting of the MLA in Chicago. Proposals are welcome that explore the editing or interpretation of Shakespeare and early modern literature in the Romantic period, as well as the impact of early modern literature on the literary production of writers associated with the English Romantic Movement.

Please submit title and 100-word abstract of proposed essays along with a brief scholarly bio by March 1, 2007 to the General Editor, Douglas A. Brooks ( Digital submissions as e-mail attachments in Rich Text Format or Microsoft Word only. Do not send CVs. To be considered for this session, prospective contributors must be members of the MLA by March 1, 2007.

The Shakespeare Yearbook is a broadly based international annual of scholarship relating to Shakespeare, his time, and his impact on later periods.

John Milton

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 2007 Conference on John Milton
October 25-27, 2007

Sponsored by the Department of English, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Papers (not to exceed 20 minutes reading time) are invited on any aspect of Milton studies, from close readings of particular works to broader investigations of themes and trends.

Send two copies of completed papers by 30 June 2007 to

Charles W. Durham
2318 London Avenue
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

For more information:

Charles W. Durham (, Kevin J. Donovan (
See also the conference website:

The conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Murfreesboro.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Teaching Writing, Learning to Write

Comité International de Paléographie Latine XVIth Colloquium: Teaching Writing, Learning to Write
Senate House, University of London, 2-5 september 2008

From the medieval viewpoint writing meant not only the skill of handwriting, but also the ability to write with ‘correct' understanding of grammar, punctuation, etc. The colloquium will address the psychology and sociology of the medieval scribe. How did scribes learn to write in the Middle Ages? What was the social and cultural significance of a script chosen for a particular function? How was script influenced by features of fashion? What was the interface between scribe and reader and the graphic signs used to communicate a message? Such questions impact on the transmission of texts, the growth of literacy and history of reading.

Papers (30 mins) may be on any aspect of manuscript production (script, epigraphy, codicology, decoration) that relates to the above theme.


Dans l'optique médiéval, savoir écrire signifiait non seulement maîtriser la technique d'écriture, mais aussi être capable d'écrire avec une intelligence “correcte” de la grammaire, de la ponctuation, etc. Le colloque s'intéressera à la psychologie et à la sociologie du scribe médiéval. Comment les scribes apprenaient-ils à écrire au Moyen Age? Que signifiait, en termes sociaux et culturels, l'adoption d'une écriture pour une fonction particulière? Dans quelle mesure l'écriture était-elle influencée par les tendances de la mode? Quelle était l'interface entre le scribe, le lecteur et les signes graphiques utilisés pour transmettre un message? Ce type de questions a des répercussions sur la tradition des textes, le développement de l'alphabétisme, et l'histoire de la lecture.

Les communications (30 mins) pourront traiter de tout aspect de la production du manuscrit (écriture, épigraphie, codicologie, décoration) en rapport avec le thème ci-dessus.

Proposals (one page only) should be sent no later than 15 th June 2007 to /
Les resumés (une page au plus) doivent être adressés au plus tard le 15 juin 2007 à
Pamela Robinson :

Institute of English Studies, University of London , Senate House, Malet Street , London WC1E 7HU

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Margaret Cavendish in Sheffield

... this from Jim Fitzmaurice, via The Shakespeare Electronic Conference:

The website for the Margaret Cavendish Society meeting in Sheffield in late June is now up. Remember to submit papers for International Cavendish Society Conference 2007 before March 1, if possible.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

John Donne in Chicago ...

The John Donne Society welcomes submissions for two sponsored panels at the 2007 MLA Convention in Chicago (December 27-30). The first session is entitled “Politics, Presence, and Place in John Donne’s Sacred and Profane Poetry.” The second is an open session on any aspect of Donne’s life and writings.

Please submit 8-10 page papers to:

Professor Greg Kneidel
Department of English
University of Connecticut—Greater Hartford
85 Lawler Road, West Hartford, CT 06117

or (preferably) via email as Word attachments to: gregory . kneidel _at_ uconn . edu

The deadline for submissions is MARCH 1, 2007.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

London in Text and History, 1400-1700

(this from Mike Pincombe's Tudor Symposium Mailing ...)

13-15 September 2007 at Jesus College, Oxford
Organisers: Ian Archer (Oxford), Matthew Davies (Centre for Metropolitan History, London), Ian Gadd (Bath Spa), Tracey Hill (Bath Spa), Paulina Kewes (Oxford)
Plenary speakers include: Paul Griffiths, Rob Hume, Mark Jenner, Mark Knights and Peter Stallybrass


This conference will focus on the variety of metropolitan identities, and how these were constructed, represented, and contested by contemporaries through a variety of media, including text (broadly defined), visual culture, maps, architecture and performance.

Between 1400 and 1700, London expanded hugely in population; it was affected by religious and political upheaval; it emerged from the shadow of its near-neighbour European competitors to become a world metropolis; and its physical face was transformed by the dissolution and the Great Fire. Our concern, however, is not so much with what these political, economic, or religious changes were but rather how they were figured in a range of forms and genres: ballads, drama, civic shows, sermons, pamphlets, poems, urban chronicles, topographical guides, paintings, engravings, and maps.

Lively literatures exist for medieval and early modern London but they rarely engage with each other nor do studies of post-Restoration London connect with the pre-civil war period. Consequently, plenary speakers will range widely to set up the major areas of debate, while the panels will be designed to encompass broad time-spans and to facilitate exchange among scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, including history, literature, art history, architecture and cartography. The conference will also reflect on the impact of some 10-15 years’ worth of unprecedented scholarly attention to London.

We would particularly welcome proposals for papers relating to the following topics:

Ideas and beliefs

* ‘The idea of the City’. How contemporaries understood the city in local, national, and international terms
* Citizenship. The shaping and contestation of notions of ‘citizenship’ in London
* History and civic memory. Chronography, chorography, and civic history. The ways Londoners’ identities were informed by their sense of the city’s past and by the associations of particular places
* Belief and the citizen. Perceptions of the place of religion in the life of the capital; responses to and interpretations of religious change and controversy

Places and people

* The urban landscape. Ideas of civic/communal/private space; perceptions of boundaries, streetscapes and neighbourhoods; the representation of London’s physical expansion
* Urban ‘deviance’. The shaping of languages of deviance by the metropolitan experience; the representation of disorder and criminality
* Visual London. The changing ways in which the city was represented to itself and to others in maps, prints, and paintings
* Inclusion and exclusion: the problem of the stranger. Representations of ‘aliens’ and ‘foreigners’; newcomers and the problem of marginality
* London’s business and commerce. The perception and representation of economic change and the city’s position in relation to other cities; consumerism; financial and productive network

Texts and art

* Literary London. The ways in which writings about London were both shaped by and shaped the identities of Londoners
* Civic entertainments. Lord Mayor’s Shows, royal entries: pageantry, display, and politics
* Communication and information. Licit and illicit communication; the production and consumption of advertising and propaganda; gossip and civic ‘reputation’
* Readers, writers and the circulation of texts. Reading communities in the city; the creation of cultural networks

Proposals for papers (300 words max) should be sent by email to or by 1 December 2006.

quote of the day

... from Thomas Larkham (1602-69), Independent minister and general loon, with a nice line in angry prose: 'Our business (me thinks) is like the launching of great Ships; heaving and shoving will not do it, till the tide come and It be high water.’ (The Wedding Supper (1652), sig. A6v.)

Monday, January 15, 2007

University of Reading Early Modern Research Seminars

24 January:
Brian Vickers, (University of London), ‘Loss and consolation in the age of Shakespeare’

7 February:
Gordon Kipling (UCLA), ‘The Tale of the Clobbered King, the Pregnant Queen, and the Mechanical Stag, or the Meanings of Civic Spectacle’

21 February:
Pauline Croft (Royal Holloway), ‘Robert Cecil as Author’

Seminars take place on Wednesdays at 4.30 p.m in HUMSS Room 244
Convener: Dr. Michelle O’Callaghan (

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Spring 2007 NYU Rennaissance Seminar Meetings

February 13:  Robert W. Hanning, Columbia University. "*Quadro di Stupefazione*: Confusion, Imprudence and Madness in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso."

March 13:  Allison Kavey, John Jay College. "Imagined Worlds: Passion and Imagination in Agrippa's Three books of Occult Philosophy."

April10:  Michael Ullyot, Linacre College, Oxford University.  "The Life Abridged: Reading Biographies in Early 17th Century England."

May 8:  Leatrice Mendelsohn, Independent Scholar. "Portraying Power in the Dominion of Eros: the 'Loves of the Gods' and the Renaissance Court."

British Shakespeare Association

This year's BSA conference will take place on 31st August - 2nd September 2007 at the University of Warwick. Proposals are invited for panels, individual short papers (20 minutes) and seminars on the theme of the conference. Please send abstracts of between 150 and 200 words to:

Dr Susan Brock, Conference Secretary
The CAPITAL Centre
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7HL, UK
Email using subject line ‘BSA programme’

Deadline for submissions: 8 February 2007. All participants should be members of the British Shakespeare Association.

Friday, January 12, 2007

'Shakespeare' portrait goes on display

... this from S H A K S P E R: The Global Shakespeare Discussion List (

THE BARD IN THE PICTURE; Exhibit at the Macdonald Stewart Art
Centre a part of 'Shakespeare - Made in Canada' festival

There's mystery, intrigue and history behind the man encased in bulletproof plastic at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. The gentle face-with its receding hairline, thin features and slight grin-stares from a world-renowned portrait believed to be more than four centuries old. Tonight, it will be unveiled for the thousands who will view it in the coming months and decide for themselves whether the man in the painting is in fact playwright William Shakespeare. The "Shakespeare-Made in Canada" exhibition will be launched at the centre at 7:30 p.m. The exhibition, as well as the festival built around it, centres on the famous, and controversial, "Sanders portrait," which was installed at the gallery last Friday.

Festival organizers say it's the oldest and most famous piece of art the city has ever displayed. Many believe the painting is the only image of the Bard that was painted while he was alive.

Sue Bennett, who sits on the festival's committee, expects the portrait will bring visitors out in droves.

"I would hope there would be in excess of 50,000 people," said Bennett, who works at the University of Guelph. "I don't see why there wouldn't be.

"Blockbusters don't usually get this far out of Toronto and Toronto isn't that accessible for a lot of people. Guelph is." The painting has been at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto for months but it's owned by an Ottawa man, Lloyd Sullivan, whose family has passed it down through 14 generations. His grandmother brought it to Canada from England and the painting spent many years tucked away in a suitcase under her bed.

When Sullivan inherited the portrait, he kept it in a cupboard at the back of a closet and it was displayed on the wall of his dining room for a number of years. Since 1991, he's been researching the painting, which was unveiled to the public in 2001.

"It will never end up in a suitcase again," he said with a laugh yesterday at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. "The story started in England, but it finished in Canada. It's a true Canadian treasure."

The image was created by John Sanders, believed to have belonged to the same theatre company in England that Shakespeare was a part of.

For about the past 15 years, the portrait-at its owner's bidding-has gone through extensive testing to determine when it was painted.

"There is no question it is the true life image of William Shakespeare," Sullivan said. "There used to be 450 paintings of Shakespeare. Ours is the 451st."

The oak panel that was used has been dated to a tree that was felled in 1585. The new Globe Theatre in London, England, has said the robe worn by the man in the painting seems to fit with what Shakespeare's status was in society when he was alive.

Judy Nasby, the director and curator of the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, said the portrait has only become more famous as the testing continues to tie it to Shakespeare's era. The Bard died in 1616.

Nasby said she has stopped and gazed at the painting several times since it was installed. Apart from its beauty, she said the mystery is what intrigues her.

"All of those questions are there," she said. "Is it really Will Shakespeare? That's the question."

But the painting is only one part of a festival that includes hundreds of pieces from museums as far west as Vancouver and as far east as Quebec City.

Nasby is one of eight curators who have put the exhibit together. The Macdonald Stewart Art Centre will be selling a book of essays from the curators, explaining their contributions.

The exhibit, which includes costumes, stage models, portraits, new media presentations and recordings, took about a year and a half to put together. Nasby said the art gallery's upgrades for security, temperature and humidity controls cost about $40,000 alone.

Admission to the centre is free but donations will be accepted.

Bennett said the "Shakespeare-Made in Canada" festival will continue throughout Guelph until late May, just before the exhibit closes in June.

"We've got more than 40 community groups putting on concerts and performances," Bennett said. "There are almost 100 performances and presentations."

Despite the fact that it was passed through one family for hundreds of years, the Sanders portrait is in extremely good condition. Nasby said it was painted on high-quality English oak, which helped it age.

Nasby clearly gets excited when she speaks about the painting, its history and Shakespeare.

But she paused when asked whether the man's eyes in the portrait seemed to follow visitors across the room.

"I think people have to make up their own mind on what they think about that," Nasby said with a smile.

"People have to decide for themselves."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Catherine Belsey at Manchester

On the 14th February Professor Catherine Belsey will be giving the annual John Stachniewski Memorial Lecture at the University of Manchester. Her title is ‘Fairy Tales for Grown-up in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This event will take place at 5pm and will be followed by a Wine Reception. Please contact Crawford Gribben ( for further details.

Professor Belsey is also offering an open masterclass entitled ‘The Practice of Research’ (3.30-4.30) for third-level and MA students. If you have students you think will benefit from this please ask them to contact Jerome de Groot ( directly to book a place (or you can book a place on their behalf but spaces are limited and we would like to ensure attendance). There will also be lunch at 2pm and an informal session on postgraduate study at 3pm taken by staff and students from the Manchester English Department.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Saturday, 24 February, 2007

Both the concept and the practice of Œtranslation‚ were a vital part of Renaissance culture throughout Europe, stimulated in part by the growth in printing and reading, and by travel and the exchange of ideas across cultures. The proposed one-day symposium seeks to explore the topic of Œtranslation‚ in all of its manifestations, ranging from translation from one language to another, to Œtranslation‚ involving the shift between different discursive registers within English-speaking cultures.

Among those who have already agreed to offer papers are:
Dr Danielle Berton (University of Cleremont)
Professor Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadvaphur University, Bengal)
Dr Sarah Knight (University of Leicester)
Dr Robin Sowerby (University of Stirling)
Dr Alison Thorne (University of Strathclyde)
Dr Sergi Mainer (British Academy Fellow, University of Stirling)

It may be possible to accommodate ONE or TWO further papers, but proposals will need to be submitted by 23 January, 2007 at the latest to: Professor J Drakakis: email address:

There is a fee of £25 for the day, which will cover coffee, tea, and a buffet lunch. Cheques to be made payable to Department of English Studies, University of Stirling. A registration form is attached to this call for papers. Delegates who wish to pay on the day can do so, but please send in your registration form beforehand so that we can plan for meals. The registration list will close when the number has reached 30 participants, and registration will be done on a first-come-first-served basis.  Please complete the following slip and return it by Monday 5 February 2007 to:
SINRS Symposium
Department of English Studies,
University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4 LA,

Hamlet, Shakespeare's Will

... and this from the SHAKSPER discussion group (

--"The Supreme Court Hears the Trial of Hamlet," March 15, 2007, at 7:30 pm, Terrace Theater, John F. Kennedy Center, Washington DC. Blurb: "The Shakespeare Theatre Company and the Kennedy Center co-present an evening with Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy as he presides over the trial of Hamlet in an audience-participatory performance exploring the litigious life and actions of Hamlet that is hosted by Michael Kahn, Artistic Director of the Shakespeare Theatre Company." Info:

--"Shakespeare's Will," by Vern Thiessen, with Seana McKenna as Anne Hathaway, opens July 7, 2007, Studio Theatre, Stratford Festival of Canada. Blurb: "On the eve of William Shakespeare's funeral, a solitary woman considers the poet's last will and testament. What emerges is the fascinating story of Anne Hathaway, wife to the world's greatest playwright - and a woman hiding dark sorrows of her own." Info:

"Edward III"

This from the SHAKSPER discussion group ( ...

... a free reading of this play in Washington DC, attributed in part to William Shakespeare, directed by Merry Alderman, February 12, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.

Scottish rebels threaten England's border and John of France seizes the French crown. As King Edward sets out to restore order in the north, he sends his son Prince Edward to France and into battle for the first time. Against overwhelming odds the Prince fights to regain the French crown for his father. Rediscover one of Shakespeare's "lost" plays, first published anonymously in 1596 and filled with passages as sophisticated as those found in Shakespeare's early histories. This reading is part of the citywide festival Shakespeare in Washington.

Seating is on a first-come basis. Reservations are required. To reserve online now, click on this link

or call 202.547.1122, option 4.

Tickets must be picked up from the Shakespeare Theatre Company Box Office on the evening of the performance by 7:15 p.m. Seating is general admission; therefore we encourage you to arrive early.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ninth Annual British Graduate Shakespeare Conference ...

... will soon be opening for registration on the 22nd of January 2007. Until then why not check out the website for details of guest speakers, Stratford-upon-Avon and last year's conference programme?

The Ninth Annual British Graduate Shakespeare Conference
21-23 June 2007
The Shakespeare Institute
Mason Croft, Church Street
Stratford-upon-Avon, WARKS
CV37 6HP England


Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association Conference
7-10 February 2008
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Confirmed Speakers:
Bruce Smith, University of Southern California
Gail Kern Paster, Folger Shakespeare Library
Dympna Callaghan, Syracuse University

Papers are invited on any subject related to the central theme of “Embodying Shakespeare.” Possible topics might include, but are not limited to: Shakespeare and histories and theories of the body, representations of the body, the actor’s body, cultural appropriations, Shakespeare and the senses, phenomenology, embodiment and gender. We welcome abstracts of 200 words for 20-minute paper presentations. Please include a brief cv. Panel sessions are also welcome. Please provide a list of participants, a proposal for the entire panel, and brief abstracts for each paper. A cv of no more than 1 page is also required.

Abstracts should be sent to – please include the phrase "ANZSA Abstract" in the subject line. Enquiries may be sent to Evelyn Tribble or Penny Gay . Proposals will be acknowledged and accepted on a rolling basis up until 1 September 2007. For more information, see our website: Final Deadline: 1 September 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

King Lear

An article from The Independent ...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Books of Hours

A review in the Guardian of Eamon Duffy's latest, Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers ...,,1973162,00.html

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Editor Scott Newstok writes to us here at Ren Lit Towers with news of his collection of Shakespeare essays by the American critic Kenneth Burke: details at
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