Thursday, October 29, 2009


[this via the LRS list]


A postgraduate conference organised by the Centre for Early Modern Studies to be held at the University of Sussex, 15-17 September 2010

Plenary Speakers: Brian Cummings (University of Sussex); Cathy Shrank (University of Sheffield); Martin Dzelzainis (Royal Holloway)

Deadline for Abstracts: 14th April 2010

Subjects: Literature and history, chronicles and chronicling history, national identity, romance, regional history, history plays, putting the past on the stage, encyclopaedias, the classical legacy, the medieval tradition, propaganda, reading and re-writing histories, history in art, painting the past, myth, legend and hearsay, popular histories, resurrecting and reforming the past.

Costs: £35 conference fee (exclusive of accommodation)

Postgraduate Bursaries available

Abstracts of 200-300 words should be sent electronically to

The History of the Book: Culture, Community, Criticism.

Chetham’s Library and the University of Manchester are pleased to announce their third one-day interdisciplinary history of the book and material culture conference at Chetham's Library, Manchester, taking place Thursday 21st January 2010.

Call for Papers
We invite 20-minute papers from postgraduate students of any discipline who are interested in book history and material culture. Our aim this year is to encourage the combining of methodologies developed in book history in the last thirty years with those of other currents in twentieth-century cultural theory, literary criticism and the study of community. While all abstracts relating to book history and material culture will be considered, we particularly welcome papers that engage any of the following areas:
- The use book history can make of other twentieth-century cultural and literary theory; or the reverse, what might book history perspectives have to say about the writing and dissemination of these intellectual trends?
- The tension between practices of ‘form and content’ reading and book history’s interest in paratextual apparatuses, editorial processes and distribution.
- The relationship between the texts and materials we study and the communities that produce them; how communities inscribe themselves into texts as in the study of second hand books, or communal responses to texts as in ‘fan fiction’.
- The national or cross-cultural transmission of texts, the function of technology in this transmission and the production of international readerships.

Guest Speakers
We are very pleased to announce that Joad Raymond (University of East Anglia) and Isabel Rivers (Queen Mary, University of London) have agreed to present guest papers at our event. Professor Raymond will be discussing Milton and the pan-European circulation of newsbooks in the seventeenth century, and Professor Rivers will present research on the culture of religious publishing in the eighteenth century.
It's free! And so is lunch!
Thanks to the support of the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures SAGE Postgraduate Training Programme, there will be no charge for the conference or for the conference lunch at the Cathedral Refectory. A wine reception will follow the conference.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent to by Friday 20th November 2009.
To register to attend please contact the same with details of your position/institution.

Love and Death in the Renaissance

Northern Renaissance Seminar

University of Leeds, 15 May 2010

Keynote Speaker: Elaine Hobby

Loughborough University

We would like to invite proposals for 20 minute papers on the topic of ‘Love and Death’.

Long before Freud and the contest between Eros and Thanatos there was, of course, the story of

Romeo and Juliet and all its analogues. There was the commonplace that passion could kill, or that,

as Shakespeare once put it, ‘desire is death’, and there was another that said that death was to be

desired. ‘After so foul a journey,’ George Herbert wrote about life and its passions, ‘death is fair’.

Death was the ultimate beloved. In this seminar we would like to consider the peculiar pairings of

love and death that so often animate the Renaissance mind. Medical opinion, theology, historical

memoirs, and drama are among the many kinds of discourse where love and death are thought to

come into contact with one another as a matter of necessity. How did this happen? What was the

origin of the mating of love and death? What was its purpose? What were its consequences? We

are as eager to hear about how love and death operate together in a single short poem as we are to

hear about the impact of Augustinianism on Renaissance philosophy, pictorial representations of

Cupid and Psyche, or about the politics of love (and death) in the Renaissance court. So, for the love

of it, please send us your proposal, by email, to the following:

Niamh Cooney and Jana Pridalova, University of Leeds
Jessica Dyson, Lancaster University
Deadline: 15 January 2010

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Postdoctoral Fellow in Early Modern Textual Studies and Digital Humanities (2010-2011)

[this also via SHAKSPER]
The Electronic Textual Cultures Laboratory (ETCL ) at the University of Victoria has an exciting postdoctoral opportunity for a candidate with a background in early modern literary and textual studies, expertise in computing, and an interest in the digital humanities field.

The postdoctoral fellow will be key in the development of a professional reading environment designed to respond to the needs of those working with early modern books and manuscripts. Source material for this work will be derived from our work on the Devonshire Manuscript (BL Add MS 17,492) and our ongoing work with professional reading environments in number of related projects.

The successful candidate will have skills and aptitudes in early modern research, textual studies, and scholarly editing in a digital humanities context, including training or demonstrated experience working with TEI XML and digital editions. Organizational skills are essential. Interest and aptitude in research planning and management would be an asset. The ability to work in concert with our existing team is a critical requirement.

Examples of technologies employed in related ETCL projects are as follows: TEI P5; XML, XSLT, XSL and XHTML encoding; XQuery; eXist XML databases; JavaScript; Ruby on Rails; PHP; CSS; and web-based SQL database projects using PostgresSQL and mySQL. Experience in some or all of these areas would be an asset, but is not a requirement, though aptitude with digital tools is required.

Our current team members pride themselves on a passionate interest in both the humanities and their computation engagement. Our ideal candidate is someone with similar passions who can introduce the team to new ideas and provide new perspectives on existing digital humanities issues.

Salary for this position is competitive in the Canadian context, and is governed in part by SSHRC practices; combined with an optional supplement for teaching, the annual salary for this position is expected to be approximately $52,000.

Applications, comprising a brief cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information for three referees, may be sent electronically to . Applications will be received and reviewed until the position is filled; the position can begin as early as January 2010.

Electronic Textual Cultures Lab
University of Victoria

CFP Shakespeare Quarterly Special Issue on New Media (with a experiment in open peer review)

[this via SHAKSPER]

Shakespeare's works have provided launch content for new media technologies since the seventeenth century, as Peter Donaldson has observed. At the turn of the 21st century, we are experiencing particularly rapid transformation of our basic tools for studying, teaching, learning, reading, performing, editing, archiving, and adapting Shakespeare.

Shakespeare Quarterly invites submissions of essays on the impact of media change, now, in all these arenas of Shakespeare studies. Submissions that make innovative use of new media publication modes, such as hyperlinks to the Folger Shakespeare Library's digitized collections, are particularly welcome.

Some examples of possible approaches:

. formalist analysis of Shakespeare's works in new media formats (games, mash-ups, hypertext editions);

. readings of specific works (virtual performances of Shakespeare online; multimedia theater; "60-Second Shakespeare");

. theoretical engagements with the costs and benefits of remediation and media convergence in the classroom, in performance, reading, archiving, and/or research;

. reviews of multi-mediated performances; and

. accounts of the cultural values accruing to Shakespeare in new media, of Shakespeare's changing (or timeless) "brand," Bardolatry and media change.

Essays must be received by January 15, 2010. Please upload submissions to Editorial Manager, Shakespeare Quarterly's online manuscript tracking system, at

For instructions on formatting your submission, please see our Contributor Guidelines.


For Shakespeare critics and scholars, among the most significant consequences of media change will be transformations in how we communicate about our work and publish new research. In keeping with the topic of its special issue, "Shakespeare and New Media," Shakespeare Quarterly is conducting an experiment in open peer review that will apply only to the special issue. After the initial editorial evaluation, authors will be invited to opt into the open review process. For those who do, their essays will be posted online for public commentary and feedback by the journal's readers. Authors may respond to this feedback before submitting their revised essays for final selection by the editors. (Authors who decline the open review and opt for a traditional review will not be penalized in the selection process.)

The open-review period will be conducted in partnership with MediaCommons, a digital network dedicated to promoting scholarly discourse about media studies and the digital humanities ( To learn more about their open-review platform and to read an assessment of the possibilities of peer review in a digital age, go to The open-review period will open 1 March 2010 and close 5 May 2010.

For more information about the special issue "Shakespeare and New Media" or about Shakespeare Quarterly, and for a fuller description of the open review process for this issue, go to

Elizabeth I and Ireland Conference

Friday, November 13, 2009 - Saturday, November 14, 2009
Student Union-Room 304 and Ballroom
(860) 486-9050
University of Connecticut
2110 Hillside Road
For registration information and details, please visit the conference
Web site at:

This conference aims to bring together a diverse range of historians
and literary scholars to explore both Elizabeth I’s direct role in the
shaping of Irish policy and the ways in which Irish events and people
affected her political style.

Issues to be addressed by speakers include the following:

• Elizabeth I’s intervention in the administrative and military
affairs of Ireland;
• Her relationship with her military commanders and viceroys in Ireland;
• Her role in––and views of––the violence that increasingly marked the
English presence in Ireland;
• Her policies effecting religious change;
• Her interest in the mytho-historical origins of the Irish and their culture;
• The extent to which she considered Ireland kingdom or colony; and
• Irish views of Elizabeth I.

Plenary speakers:
Hiram Morgan (University College Cork)
Marc Caball (University College, Dublin)
Paul Hammer (Department of History, University of Colorado, Boulder)
Leah Marcus (Department of English, Vanderbilt University)

In addition, there will be eight panels of scholars from Ireland, the
UK, and the US in non-overlapping sessions presenting on a variety of
historical and literary issues that center on the political policies
and role of Queen Elizabeth I in shaping the early modern Irish

Monday, October 26, 2009

Columbia Shakespeare Seminar

Nov 13, 2009m 5pm, Faculty House

Kent Cartwright, University of Maryland, "The Return of the Dead in Shakespeare’s Comedies"

Respondent: Pamela Allen Brown, University of Connecticut

Details: (

Poétique de la 'catastrophe' / A Poetic of 'Catastrophe' : Visual and Literary Representations of the English Regicide in Early Modern Europe.

[this via the LRS list]

Institut du Monde Anglophone
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris III, Séminaire Epistémè (Responsable : Line Cottegnies) (EA 4398 : PRISMES / PEARL)

*Friday 11 June 2010*
*Maison de la Recherche (Sorbonne Nouvelle, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris)*

In 1649 the beheading of a Christian monarch by his own people stupified all of Europe. It was an event that was to haunt several generations, like Mary Stuart’s execution in 1587. It inspired the French moralist Blaise Pascal to write a maxim on the instability of all things : « Could the man who cherished the friendships of the King of England, the King of Poland and the Queen of Sweden have thought he would one day be without a haven ? »

These two regicides gave rise to an abundant literature and a host of visual representations all over Europe. In addition to a number of polemic essays, these regicides spawned a whole literature of its own including narrative pamphlets, both fictional and dramatized, novels, plays, ballads and numerous elegies and funeral orisons, many of which remained anonymous. Rather than reconsider the polemical arguments for and against the execution of royals, this conference will be interested in papers dedicated to the literary and visual representations of the two regicides in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in England and in continental Europe. Special attention will be paid to the discursive strategies in these works to thematize or sublimate the feeling of 'catastrophe', disaster or cataclysm that is often used to describe the monarch’s death.

This first conference will lead to a second day conference in 2010-2011.

100-word abstracts should be sent to Line Cottegnies ( ) and Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille ( ) before 31 January 2010, with a short biography.

For more information:

Friday, October 23, 2009



Classical Heroism and Conflict: Revisiting Antique Warfare
in the Medieval and Early Modern Period

Friday, April 16, 2010
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

The sixth one-day colloquium of the Cultures of War and Conflict
Resolution Research Network will be held in Athens, at the historic site
of the First University of Greece. The theme of this colloquium focuses on
the representation of classical heroism and its implications in the
practice and theory of conflict in the medieval and early modern periods.
This conference will concentrate not only on the influence of antiquity
upon violent cultural change in these periods but also on the ways in
which warfare in ancient cultures was remembered by succeeding centuries.
We welcome papers on any aspect of the configurations of the classical
past with particular reference to: medieval/early modern heroism;
conflict; warfare; and/or the influence of classical writing upon these
fields of enquiry.

Particular topics of interest for this conference are as follows:

Myths and heroes in representations of medieval and early modern
Textual oppositions between the Warrior-king and the soldier/army
Aestheticizing violence and the battle
Military ethos and the construction of masculinity
Heroism, sixteenth-century militarism, and the ideal soldier
Armour, weapons, technology
Conventions of representation;the capacity and the
limitations of the Renaissance theatre to portray warfare
Militant Christianity;the embattled Church
Propaganda and empire-building
Non-combatant civilians and the rules of engagement
War and the making of community

Please send proposals for 30-minute papers (250 words) by 28 February 2010
to Efterpi Mitsi,
Organizers: Assoc. Prof. Efterpi Mitsi (, Assist. Prof.
Christina Dokou (, The Faculty of English Studies,
School of Philosophy, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Zografou University Campus, 157 84, Athens, Greece

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pods of Milton

The CELL Podcasting team is pleased to announce the release of the latest podcast in our 'Milton in the 21st Century' series.

Listen to Rosanna Cox as she guides us through 'Paradise Lost', considering themes of liberty, civic activity and methods of reading. The podcast is drawn from a lecture first given by Dr Cox at the University of Kent in Spring 2009. Look out for the companion lecture, coming soon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sound and Hearing

Society, Culture and Belief, 1500-1800. The programme for the academic year 2009-10 concludes our series on The Senses. Convenors: Surekha Davies (Birkbeck), Laura Gowing (KCL), Kate Hodgkin (University of East London), Michael Hunter (Birkbeck), Adam Sutcliffe (KCL). Seminars will take place in the Ecclesiastical History Room at the Institute of Historical Research on the following Thursdays at 5.30 p.m. All are welcome!

29 October 2009 Dr David R.M. Irving (Christ’s College, Cambridge)
Music and nascent notions of a global consciousness in the early
modern world

12 November 2009 Dr Arnold Hunt (British Library)
The ear and the eye in early modern preaching

26 November 2009 Dr Helen Berry (University of Newcastle)
Hearing the castrato: the limits of masculine performance

10 December 2009 Dr Margaret Pelling (Wellcome Unit, University of Oxford)
Barber's shop music: literary stereotype or social practice?

21 January 2010 Dr Michael Fleming (University of Huddersfield)
'Old English viols': what they were and where they went

4 February 2010 Dr Penelope Gouk (University of Manchester)
Theories of hearing in the Enlightenment: some English examples

18 February 2010 Katherine Hunt (London Consortium)
From 'allowed ceremonie' to 'enchanting melody': the changing sound of church bells in the English Reformation

4 March 2010 Stefan Putigny (KCL)
'Sounding British'; Song culture and British nationhood, 1718-63

18 March 2010 Dr Caroline Warman (Jesus College, Oxford)
'Ouïe difficile à expliquer': Diderot and the difficulty of explaining hearing
from the Lettre sur les sourds et muets (1751) to the Eléments de physiologie

Rethinking Early Modern Print Culture

An international and interdisciplinary conference at
The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Victoria University in the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
15-17 October 2010

The view that early modernity saw the transformation of European societies into cultures of print has
been widely influential in literary, historical, philosophical, and bibliographical studies of the period.
The concept of print culture has provided scholars with a powerful tool for analyzing and theorizing
new (or seemingly new) regimens of knowledge and networks of information transmission as well as
developments in the worlds of literature, theatre, music, and the visual arts. However, more recently the
concept has been reexamined and destabilized, as critics have pointed out the continuing existence of
cultures of manuscript, queried the privileging of technological advances over other cultural forces, and
identified the presence of many of the supposed innovations of print in pre-print societies.

This multi-disciplinary conference aims to refine and redefine our understanding of early modern print
cultures (from the fifteenth to the end of the seventeenth century). We invite papers seeking to explore
questions of production and reception that have always been at the core of the historiography of print,
developing a more refined sense of the complex roles played by various agents and institutions. But we
especially encourage submissions that probe the boundaries of our subject, both chronologically and
conceptually: did print culture have a clear beginning? How is the idea of a culture of print complicated
by the continued importance of manuscript circulation (as a private and commercial phenomenon)?
How did print reshape or reconfigure audiences? And what was the place of orality in a world
supposedly dominated by print textuality? What new forms of chirography and spoken, live
performances did print enable, if any?

Other possible topics might include:
* Ownership of texts and plagiarism; authorship; “piracy”
* Booksellers and printers, and their local, national, and international networks
* Readers and their material and interpretative practices
* Libraries, both personal and institutional
* Beyond the book: ephemeral forms of print and manuscript
* Text and illustration, print and visuality
* Typography, mise en page, binding, and technological advances in book-production

We invite proposals for conference papers of 20 minutes and encourage group-proposals for panels of
three papers. Alternative formats such as workshops and roundtables will also be considered. Abstracts
of 250 words can be submitted electronically on the conference website,

The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2009. All questions ought to be addressed to the conference organizers, Grégoire Holtz (French, University
of Toronto) and Holger Schott Syme (English, University of Toronto), at

Friday, October 16, 2009

The East India Company and Language (1599-1857)

An Interdisciplinary One-Day Conference

British Library Conference Centre, 15 June 2010
For two hundred and fifty years, the English East India Company traded along the shores of Asia,
the Middle East, and Africa. The Company's presence was not only a commercial one: it operated
across a vast region, and came into contact with a huge diversity of cultures and languages.
Company servants had to learn to speak and write both linguae francae like Persian, Arabic,
Portuguese, and Malay, and local vernaculars – or employ those who could. Those who mediated
exchanges between the Company and local inhabitants; dragomans, interpreters, munshis, scribes,
vakils and writers, both profoundly affected Company culture and had their own lives altered by
their new roles. In time, Company settlements also had linguistic consequences for local inhabitants
in general, as the Company came to impact the languages they used at work and school, eventually
contributing to the development of English as a world language. The Company and the educational
establishments and scholarly societies around it, from the Asiatic Society in Calcutta to the EIC
College in Haileybury, produced dictionaries, grammars, manuals and translations in many
languages. These works, the result of collaborations between Asian and European scholars,
contributed to the emerging fields of comparative linguistics and lexicography as well as to
colonial power structures and representations.
Despite the profound influence of the East India Company on the linguistic histories of all
territories it traded in – not least that of England – relatively little work has been done on the
relationship between the Company and language. The aims of this conference are to explore the
potential of the Company records in the India Office and beyond, to chart past and current work,
and to map ways forward, including the possibilities of national and international digitization
We invite papers from scholars from all disciplines who are interested in exploring the link between
the East India Company and language in its broadest sense. Papers will be pre-circulated to allow
the day to focus on discussion. We welcome contributions on topics such as, but by no means
limited to, the following:
- The factory or ship as a multilingual environment; Company settlements as communities of
- The Company and language contact; ports and merchant quarters; pidgins; creoles
- 'Company languages': loanwords; jargon; Hobson-Jobsonisms; Indian English(es) and 'English
- Company documents and stylistics; the Company and the history of business writing
- The Company's agents: interpreters, representatives, and scribes
- Learning and teaching languages: early European linguistic research on Asian languages;
lexicography; the Company and scholarly communities; the teaching of Asian languages in
England; the teaching of languages by the Company in Asia
- Company (language) policy and the politics of language
- The contribution of Asian linguistic thought and techniques to global scholarship on language and
- Comparisons and contrasts: language use and policies in the Mughal Empire, the Indian Princely
States, Company settlements outside Asia, Dutch Indonesia, Portuguese Goa, &c.
Please contact Anna Winterbottom ( or Samuli Kaislaniemi
( for more details.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"The Nation's Poet? Milton's Shakespeare and the British Problem"

NICHOLAS MCDOWELL (Exeter/Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton), Tuesday, October 20, The Columbia Early Modern Seminar

Nicholas McDowell is Associate Professor of English at the University
of Exeter. He works on the literary, cultural and intellectual history
of 17th-century England. He is the author of The English Radical
Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660 (Oxford
University Press, 2003) and Poetry and Allegiance in the English
Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit (Oxford University Press,
2008), and the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Milton (2009).
He is currently editing Milton's 1649 prose for volume 6 of the Oxford
Complete Works of John Milton: Vernacular Regicide and Republican

Please note our new time and place: 6.15 pm in 501B International AffairsBuilding at Columbia. International Affairs is most easily accessible from W118th Street, at Amsterdam Avenue.

All welcome. If you have any queries, please contact Alan Stewart on


[this via the LRS...]


The Foresight Centre, Liverpool, 12-14 May 2010

This interdisciplinary conference will look at the role of religion in the Hispanic Baroque. We propose to explore the Baroque not merely as a specific and historical set of literary, artistic and architectural styles. Rather we seek to study it as a complex cultural system that emerged from early modern transatlantic interaction and exchange of knowledge and imagination, and that continues to shape the political, social and cultural reality of the Atlantic world and beyond to this day. We invite the submission of proposals from every disciplinary background interested in one or both of our two main strands of investigation.

Our first strand focuses on religion as a media through which political and social conflict in the early modern and modern Hispanic world are exacerbated as well as negotiated. We want to examine the ways in which religion shaped individual and collective identities and was in turn shaped by conflict and compromise arising from colonization, resistance and mestizaje. This strand seeks to deepen our understanding of the mutually transformative relationship between religion and society in the Hispanic world from the fifteenth century to the present by looking at religion as the means, medium or obstacle to the creation of social, political and cultural stability. We thus hope to be able to pinpoint the features of interaction between religion and society that are specific to the Hispanic Baroque.

In our second strand of investigation we want to compare complex transatlantic technologies and patterns of interaction characteristic for the Hispanic Baroque with those of other cultural spheres. For instance, in how far can we describe Baroque religion as a cultural system and system of communication transcending the boundaries of confession, nation, language and mode of artistic expression? Can we regard Baroque religion and also the Baroque generally as cross-cultural phenomena producing and sustaining patterns of cultural interaction that are dynamic and stable over long periods of time? What can the study of Baroque cultures and their modes of conflict and resolution tell us about the need and the ways to balance complex societies?


· The Universal Baroque?

· Baroque Media from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century

· Baroque Science

· Baroque Arts

· Baroque Spaces

· Religion, Conflict and Identity in Baroque Societies

· Religion, Culture, and Commerce

· Complex Legacy: Enduring Patterns of Baroque Religion

PROPOSALS for papers should include a title, an abstract of about 250 words, and your full contact details (including an e-mail). We welcome the proposal of panels and we warmly encourage postgraduate submissions. Please send your proposals by 30th November 2009 (post or email) to:

Dr Harald E. Braun

School of History

University of Liverpool

9 Abercromby Square


L69 7WZ


Professor Jesús Pérez-Magallón

Department of Hispanic Studies

McGill University

688 Sherbrooke Street West

Montreal, QC,

H3A 3R1


REGISTRATION The registration fee will be £100.00 for the full three-day-conference (including all coffee/tea breaks and lunches). The day-rate will be £35.00. There is a small subsidy of £10.00 for the subsidised conference dinner. A limited amount of financial support for postgraduate research students may be available. You can find the REGISTRATION FORM and more INFORMATION on the conference website at:

LOCATION and TRAVEL the Venue is the Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool: For how to get there see:

ACCOMMODATION Information on accommodation for all budgets will be made available on the conference website in early November 2009.

This conference is generously supported by The Hispanic Baroque (, a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Major Collaborative Research Initiative.

Monday, October 12, 2009

EMPHASIS (Early Modern Philosophy and History of Science Seminar), 2009-2010

Venue: Room G34 [Ground Floor] Senate House, South Building, Malet Street, London WC1E. Time: Saturday, 2-4pm. Refreshments provided.

3 October 2009
Steven Walton (Pennsylvania State University and Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Leeds), ‘Practical Mathematics and the Military Gentleman’.

7 November 2008
Anthony Ossa-Richardson (Warburg Institute), ‘Pomponazzi and the Rôle of Nature in Oracular Divination’.

5 December 2009
Mediaeval alchemy
Jennifer Rampling (HPS, Cambridge), ‘George Ripley (d. c.1490): medicine and the royal alchemist’.
Peter Jones (Kings College, Cambridge), ‘John Argentein (c.1443-1508): alchemy and the royal doctor’.

9 January 2010
New perspectives on Francis Bacon:
Cesare Pastorino (University of Indiana), ‘The Role of Technological Invention in Bacon's Philosophy of Experiment’
Kathryn Murphy (Jesus College, Oxford), ‘History, Miscellany, Encyclopaedia? Sylva Sylvarum and the Forms of Natural Knowledge’
Sophie Weeks (University of Leeds), ‘What is Baconian Magic?’

6 February 2010
Elizabeth Scott-Baumann (Oxford Brookes)
‘Nature unbowels herself: Margaret Cavendish, print and the scientific imagination’.

6 March 2010 [NB ST275, STEWART HOUSE]
John Henry (University of Edinburgh):
‘Gravity and De gravitatione: The development of Newton’s concept of action at a distance.’

17 April 2010
Pamela H. Smith (Columbia University)
‘What is a “How-To Book”? Technical Writing in early modern Europe’.

15 May 2010
Wouter Hanegraaff (University of Amsterdam)
‘Historians of Error: The Protestant Attack on Platonic Orientalism’

5 June 2010
Early Modern heterodoxies
William Poole (New College, Oxford): ‘Early-modern scientific innovation and
heterodoxy: only connect?’
Richard Serjeantson (Trinity College, Cambridge): 'Heterodoxy
and the natural history of religion, 1641–1757'.
Rhodri Lewis (St Hugh’s College Oxford): ‘Heterodoxy and scribal culture in and around the early Royal Society’.

For the most up-to-date information on the seminar please consult the seminar website:

To be added to the EMPHASIS e-mailing list, please contact the organiser:
Dr Stephen Clucas:

Letters of Bess of Hardwick Project

... is advertising for an AHRC Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate

University of Glasgow - Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts

Details here.

"Word & Image"

Under the aegis of the USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute, the Renaissance Literature Seminar will host the following speakers for 2009-10:

Oct 17 – Margaret Ferguson, "Cries and Whispers: Early Modern Debates about the Hymen"

Nov 14 – Harry Berger, "The Drama of Competitive Posing: Portrait Plots in Hals and Rembrandt"

Jan 30 – Patricia Fumerton, "Transatlantic Crossings: The Makings of History, Aesthetics, and Blackness, 1570-1789" / to be followed in the afternoon by a Graduate Student Panel

Mar 20 – Ann Rosalind Jones, "Ut Pictura Poesis: Rhymed Commentaries on Prints in Sixteenth-Century Costume Books"

Apr 10 – Jody Greene, "I Heart George Herbert"

May 1 – Carla Mazzio, "Euclid in Ruins: Language and Math c. 1600"

Early Modern Europe seminars at the IHR

[this via Stephen Brogan of the Birkbeck Early Modern Society ...]

European History 1500-1800

Philip Broadhead, Julian Swann, Peter Campbell, Filippo de Vivo, John Henderson

Mondays at 17.00 in the Low Countries Room of the Institute of Historical Research (University of London), Senate House, Malet Street, LONDON WC1E 7HU

Autumn 2009

12 October Gregory S. Brown (University of Nevada), ‘“Maître dans sa maison”: An inadvertent Aristocrat in Revolutionary Paris’

(Joint session with the Modern French History seminar, 5. 30 pm start)

19 October Dr Mary Laven (Cambridge), ‘Jesuits and Eunuchs: Encountering gender in late Ming China’

26 October Isabelle Storez-Brancourt, (CNRS – Paris) 'From the chancellor of France to an unknown clerk in the Parlement of Paris: an exploration

of the judicial world of eighteenth-century France'

16 November Victor Egío (Liverpool), ‘The tradition of the School of Salamanca in the 20th century: Early modern Spain domesticated’

30 November Dr Paul Warde (UEA), ‘The forests and the future: figuring the welfare of posterity in early modern Europe’


[detials via the LRS ....]

Anniversary Lecture

Blair Worden, Friday 23 October 2009, 5 p.m., in the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford

Saturday, October 10, 2009

John Lilburne

London Renaissance Seminar

On 25 October 1649, the charismatic Leveller leader John Lilburne was dramatically acquitted of treason following a high profile trial at London’s Guildhall. The decision was greeted by jubilant crowds and celebratory bonfires, and was quickly commemorated by a medal which explained that Lilburne had been ‘saved by the power of the Lord and the integrity of the jury’. In the 360 years since that trial, Lilburne has become one of the seventeenth century’s most well-known characters, and one of few contemporaries who have been capable of taking centre stage in both academic and popular histories of the civil wars. However, Lilburne was a flagrant self-publicist, who did much to mythologize his own story, while since his death ‘Freeborn John’ has been made into a hero for a range of more or less incompatible political causes. For Lilburne, more than for most of his contemporaries, it is vital to try and separate myth from reality, and to explore how his reputation has been made and moulded since the 1640s. This event will contribute to this process by reconsidering Lilburne’s 1649 trial, and by thinking about its importance for enhancing our understanding the life and times of this most controversial character.
24 October 2009

Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX

Room B29

1.30 pm Coffee available

2-2.30pm: LIFE
Jason Peacey (UCL): 'To repair to Westminster: public politics and the trial of John Lilburne'

2.45-3.45 pm: THOUGHT
Phil Baker (Centre for Metropolitan History): 'Lilburne and the jury of life and death'

Rachel Foxley (Reading): 'How to criticize John Lilburne'

3.45-4.00pm Tea


Jerome de Groot (Manchester) and Jason McElligott (TCD): 'Lilburne's legacies'

Ted Vallance (Roehampton): 'John Lilburne and the historians'

For Further Information contact:

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Birkbeck Early Modern Society

Programme of academic papers for 2009-10.

All papers begin at 6. 30 pm unless otherwise stated and are followed by refreshments and discussion. You can renew your membership (which remains a bargain at a mere £5!) at any of our events.

22 October: Dr Roger Mettam, ‘Absolute Monarchy and Provincial Identity in Louis XIV’s France’, Malet St, room 633. This event starts at 7 pm.

12 Nov: Karen Hearn (Curator of 16th-and 17th-Century British Art, Tate Britain), ‘Tudor and Jacobean Pregnancy Portraits’, Malet St, room 509.

10 Dec: Prof. Quentin Skinner, ‘Word and Image in the Philosophy of Hobbes’, Malet St, room B35; followed by Xmas party in room B04.

29 Jan: Prof. Alex Walsham (Exeter), ‘'Skeletons in the Cupboard: Relics after the English Reformation’, room tbc.

5 March: Tim Knox (Director, Sir John Soane’s House), ‘The Strange Genius of Sir John Soane’, Malet St, room 415.

25 March: Prof. Michael Hunter, ‘The Decline of Magic’, subtitle tbc, Malet St, room B30.

April: Dr Richard Williams, ‘Text and Image in Reformation Visual Culture’, room tbc.

May: Dr Malcolm Jones, ‘Death in Early Modern English Prints and Book Illustrations’, room tbc.

June: Prof. Julian Swann, title tbc.

With best wishes,
Stephen Brogan
President, Birkbeck Early Modern Society

'Shakespeare: Puzzles, Mysteries, Investigations'

Short Papers (20 mins) are invited for a Day Conference at the University of Chichester, England, to be held on Thursday 18 February 2010.

Keynote speakers are: Katherine Duncan-Jones, Tiffany Stern and Stanley Wells and Paul Edmondson.

Deadline for papers (via email by attachment) is 18 December 2009. The cost of the Conference will be 25 GBP.

Papers covering any aspect of Shakespeare studies are welcome, including those that focus on textual, dramatic or historical topics. Papers relating to Shakespeare's era are invited. Proposals regarding the authorship question will not be accepted.

For submissions and further details, please contact

Dr. Duncan Salkeld,
Department of English,
The University of Chichester,
Chichester, UK.
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